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2024-12-14 12:35:52

On January 2, 2024, the market entered the market at 2974 with a price of 100,000 yuan. This year, I bought more than 30 stocks, most of them cut their meat and left the market. Today, it closed at 3461.50, up 500 points from January 2 to today, but as of today, there are only more than 93,000 accounts left. The market has risen by 500 points a year, and I really lost nearly 10,000 points.

On January 2, 2024, the market entered the market at 2974 with a price of 100,000 yuan. This year, I bought more than 30 stocks, most of them cut their meat and left the market. Today, it closed at 3461.50, up 500 points from January 2 to today, but as of today, there are only more than 93,000 accounts left. The market has risen by 500 points a year, and I really lost nearly 10,000 points.Buy at 2900 sets at 4000 points

On January 2, 2024, the market entered the market at 2974 with a price of 100,000 yuan. This year, I bought more than 30 stocks, most of them cut their meat and left the market. Today, it closed at 3461.50, up 500 points from January 2 to today, but as of today, there are only more than 93,000 accounts left. The market has risen by 500 points a year, and I really lost nearly 10,000 points.Buy at 2900 sets at 4000 points

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